Imagination Is The Start Of Creation.

IMAGINATION- THE START OF CREATION. Everything that exists today started existing in imaginations first. Imagination is the start of creation, if you have an idea, plan, dream, want, etc; it only becomes reality when it has the foundation of imagination. You see, when you imagine yourself doing what you like and you have no resources yet to get yourself to the point you are in in the state of that imagination, just calm down because that imagination is a driving force that drives you to where you can get bit by bit to the point you are in that imagination. It is important to know that you become what you imagine and that you can improve through imaginations, using your mind(as it is the foundation for creating imaginations), you daydream, and as you do continually, it intensifies, you will find yourself pushing towards it, if not, then change your environment, friends, believes etc. POWER OF IMAGINATIONS . You should know that you are your imaginations, that is, wh...