Females; not less, but equal in worth. ( #stateofwomen)

In the beginning, the first woman was made from the man and not with materials lesser in quality from that of the man, but from the man. Hence, we have the same materials but with an extra characteristics. This characteristics in addition with what we have gotten from the man makes us very important, yet we do not displace them in worth, neither do they displace us in worth. Worth itself says we are equally important, no gender been less than the other. Even though the world from the onset of time had positioned women as less, we are correcting that in agreement with nature saying, without us the human race is as good as gone. The women have paid all debts regarding being made first from men by taking over and producing new men and women, and we are developers. No one can stand and say that those who help to sustain life are in any way less. You see, men and women both play a vital role in ensuring that the human race is kept. Hence if you ta...