Minimal and excessive praise on man, it's effects.

Show me a man that doesn't love being praised for a good job well done, for his efforts, or for any other valuable sacrifice. Show me a woman, lady or a young child who would not crave for praises after doing a good thing, a thing worthy of praise? Of course, as humans, we love to be praised especially when we know we deserve it. This is so until we come to understand the other side of praises. Praises help to encourage, it helps in the act of appreciation, it helps when the worth of a person is to be shown, and so on, but it also washes away an important state of mind. It also slowly pulls down a person, and with the person being blind to its effects. This is especially true when the Praises gets excessive. I must let you know that when you look at life, it should teach you that praises, especially when excessive should be dreaded. Why? There are two reasons. Praises take away the real picture or true meaning of something from the giver of whatever the thing may be,...