The Source Of True Beauty ( Lifestyle and Relationships)

Image source: Dove Models. As serious as this is, it is almost disregarded, the consequence is rather threatening. What I am actually talking about is the indirect debate of the source of true beauty. Beauty is desired by all, admired by all, and at some point or in all points, employed by all! Beauty is positive, never connoting anything negative, now, that is where the problem lies. This is because our current society has bought the idea that beauty and all of it are sourced from physical adornment. There is one thing to be physically beautiful, and another thing to be internally beautiful. Having said that, I will quickly throw in that true beauty then is a combination of both the physical and internal ( character wise) beauty. Find out why I say this, and why having just one of these separate beauties is a tremendous problem in any relationship! Relationships is an important and an inevitable part of life. When it comes to family relationships, the phy...