The Light and Dark Extremes

It is helpful to know that everything is mostly in two extremes. And, in between this two extremes, there could exist a passiveness of some kind, nevertheless, everything is mostly in two extremes depending on what you are dealing with. Examples? Common examples include, 'the good and the bad', the serious and unserious, the married, and unmarried, cooked and uncooked, etc. These are common extremes. Notice that when one says, the food is partially cooked, I am almost officially a wife or a mother , I am working towards being more serious , these statements suggest that they are still progressing towards the other extreme. Here, today, what is relevant to our understanding is the light and the dark extremes. It is overly important to understand the work, purpose, and existence of these extremes. These two extremes control you, and everyone around you whether you are the most independent individual, or the freest person existing or not. This i...