How To Communicate Your Expectations In A Relationship.
One very important thing we have to take note of is the fact that every single person that is about to commit to a relationship has his or her expectations. Most times, these are things the person is expecting the other person to either have, do, or even be. Majority of marriages and relationships have been destroyed due to failures in meeting expectations. Hence, it becomes very important to help people in dealing with this problem. Here, we are introducing four major things to know and do that will help you in communicating your expectations easily and also help you in the long run concerning maintaining its effectiveness.
The Four Key Things To Know And Do.
# 1. How to go about communicating your expectations.
The early stages of a relationship are the best times to comfortably talk about your expectations. This is also very important especially when you are sure that it's heading towards a stable and long-lasting relationship. When you feel free and more comfortable with him or her, you should be able to determine the appropriate time to tell of your expectations. Do this informally and kindly, at the same time making sure that you are well understood.
# 2. Be ready to face reality.
The fact that you communicated your expectations will only make it better than worsening your relationship. Nevertheless, this will not at the same time turn out the way you want always. This simply means that it is not possible for one to always play-out to the script you want them to play every time. You should learn to compromise and understand that everyone is not totally perfect and will not always totally do as you desire. So be ready to face reality, nevertheless, they will not totally forget your communicated expectations. With this, it will only be better than not communicating it at all and expecting that they figure it out themselves.
# 3. Live it and be patient.
You need to constantly live out your expectations. This will help your spouse or partner recall and commit to remembering your expectations for the relationship. When you show the qualities or be the person you want to see in your spouse, you need to do this continuously as much as you can with a cheerful attitude. You need to be cheerful and avoid boiling to anger if the values you show are underestimated. You also need to be patient. This is what you desire to see in him or her, hence, they should be something that you value and can live out also.
# 4. Do not grow bitter/angry over time.
Try your possible best not to grow weary or angry if they do not reciprocate immediately. This is why being ready to face reality ( # 2) is very important. Your picture of a perfect relationship very much exists in your dreams and fantasies. You also need to understand that individuals come from different families with different cultures, past, and exposures that will most likely influence their values and responsiveness. Hence, re-adapting, in order to fit your plans and expectations, will not be so easy.
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