Stand up! You are not the slothful!
Consider your life and that of others, how we work so hard to provide for our families, to excel in our academics, to lose weight, to buy that car, to live the dream life, for some, to become famous. Consider all these areas we consciously work hard all our lives, but yet in one area, a crucial area, the majority are found to be slothful, this is because they can actually do more than what they have done or achieved in that specific area because the resources are not the problem, but they have unconsciously and consciously settled for less in that area. What is this area? This is the area of life that has to do with the purpose of individuals. Now it is one thing to not know the reason why you have been made and the different gifts and talents given to you for that purpose and the roles they play in your purpose, some actually know why they were made already, and sincerely this can only be discovered if you relate with God (in a relationship with God). Some individuals like I said know their specific purposes, but yet the majority don't reach their average capacity with their callings, and then that leaves the world with a double problem, many who don't know why they exist and those few who already found out, but yet do little about it.
I titled this blog post with slothful as one of the words describing its title, and I am not referring to the animal sloth, but to the slothful nature of humans to a critical aspect of their lives. Now I myself have a lot of work to do as it relates to my purpose, so, this is not targeted at anyone, but to all, challenging all. Consider these scriptures before I really explain what is going on.
In Proverbs 24: 30-34, KJV" I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void(lacking) of understanding; [31] And, lo(see), it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof(there), and the stone wall thereof(there) was broken down. [32] Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction(received wisdom). [33] Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: [34] So shall thy(your) poverty come as one that travelleth (travels); and thy(your) want as an armed man (beggar)".
Proverbs 21:25 KJV The desire of the slothful(Lazy) killeth(kills) him; for his hands refuse to labor.
Proverbs 22:29 KJV Seest thou(do you see?) a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
Proverbs 20:4 KJV The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing
Now, from these scriptures, you can see that a lazy person only dreams, but lacks work, hard committed work to help those dreams happen. Now, most times this is a simple psychological problem, whereby this person/those individuals refuse to see the need to rise and work hard, not understanding that dreams don't just materialize by itself, one needs to make conscious and intentional decisions to aid them to materialize.
Now, why is there a problem with many aiding/helping their purposes to take full unleashing? This problem is partially due to the fact that people don't necessarily see themselves as that important to cause a positive change. Even though truly no one is just made for fun without a good reason and purpose by God when being born into the earth, many don't know they are truly important and that their purpose and contribution on the earth to be used by God to clean up the earth is actually a true talk. And most times, until they feel entitled with a name tag 'important person' because they finally realized that they have a purpose, then they will move (still, most times, not to their fullest potential, as is the problem of those who already discovered their purpose), not realizing that even before they realized who they were, they were long ago loaded with purpose. Hence, due to this knowledge deficit of self(lack of knowledge about who they are), many do not prepare, grow, groom, and perfect their skills, spiritual gifts, and talents given to them specifically for their purpose, neither do they spend enough money consciously and intentionally and give quality time to setting up and pushing forth their purpose to the world. Some start this process after realizing who they are and later settling down in a lower state in their purpose after getting comfortable, that's where the bible verse in Proverbs 24: 30-34, comes to play, " I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void(lacking) of understanding; [31] And, lo(see), it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof(there), and the stone wall thereof(there) was broken down. [32] Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction(received wisdom). [33] Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: [34] So shall thy(your) poverty come as one that travelleth (travels); and thy(your) want as an armed man (beggar)".
Also, very important is the understanding that every individual need to get in touch with God (the Father), to not only find out who they are and are to become, but also to get the grace(ability) to fight laziness, distractions, negative thoughts of self, disappointments, lack of present resources, and more. This is because many minor and major life forces will try to deter(prevent) you from pursuing your purpose and fully using your purpose to save lives through God because your purpose was given not for you, but for the people around you and the world at large. If you were sent for a select few only and fail to carry out that purpose, then you are indirectly affecting the world as those few individuals you failed to reach through your purpose (whether they were sent also to a few other people or to the world to impact) will not have the needed impact that they need from you. This is an unconscious truth as those individuals don't even know you can help them or sent to impact them positively. Hence their help from God through you is delayed until you realize who you are or they are denied help if you don't realize your purpose or they get compromised help if you discover your purpose but later settle for less after one or few accomplishments and call it finished without consulting with the one who called and made you and gave you that original purpose. If you fail to fulfill purpose, it is very possible that you will be replaced by another by God.
* Anticipate a new Blog post titled ' Original Purpose vs Imported Purpose(false purpose)'.
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