Original Purpose vs Imported Purpose(false purpose)
Let's take a look around us, really, take a minute and look around you briefly, see the man-made things around, also, see the naturally created things. I can say, aside from what am aiming at letting you understand today, you, through a sense that is common to all, should know that if these man-made items are lying around then the natural existing things should have a maker, a simple clear way to put that. But on to what I have to let us see today is this, those man-made things lying around weren't just made for nothing sake, the makers and inventors of those things solved a problem with them, so also is the natural things, all the things that were made by God. As a growing entrepreneur, I constantly look for problems so I can think of how to solve those problems through an invention, that's how creations are made, it starts with a need to solve a problem. So no one is just here or a problem themselves, but individually we are solutions(or carry solutions) to different problems around us that God had seen and wants to solve.
Having said that, there is no single, saying again, no single thing I have seen on the surface of the earth that came to be without a purpose(the reason for it), name it, the shoes, the pieces of paper, radios, houses, the wind, the ants, etc, then you should know that every single human being is no exception. We are, in the purpose of God, driven to fulfill one ultimate purpose(through God using us, to save the spiritually dying world), but still, individually, we are purposefully different in how we are meant to accomplish our part in this ultimate purpose(pastors, prophets, evangelists, musicians, movie creators, even more, and also the assignment is indirectly in our earthly fields of specializations, and directly also in our homes). Nevertheless, it is only in humans that the possibility of purposes unfulfilled can actually exist, or be a true talk, that is, many humans can live outside of their purposes, not recognizing it due to being unaware of it, ignorance or self will to not find God or follow His will and hence cannot find out who they were really meant to become, many are hence living false lives. What do I mean by this? Well, we know that the trees, animals, the clouds, the rocks will always be what they are at all times, we expect no changes in what they are tomorrow, so are the things made by humans, using simple illustrations, a biro will not tomorrow turn into an air conditioner, and lose its purpose, nevertheless, men can. The thing is, to put it clearer, you have to use a biro for its purpose to manifest, you have to turn on the air conditioner for it to do what it's meant to do, you have to sow the seed, wait for the fruits and also use the leaves, seeds for whatever you need it for, humans, humans have to know and understand their purpose to turn it on(pursue it/become it). Hence, the problem is that many humans don't know that they individually were not just made to do the routine chores of life that keep them alive and existing, there's more to mere life, and that is not just having fun, money, fame, and love.
Purpose is deep, purpose is the reason for a thing to exist, hence a thing will not exist if it is not needed. Anything existing now, any human existing now is needed, there are no mistakes in creation, one doesn't just create a thing void of purpose, and most certainly not God. The original purpose of a thing or a person is the main and related reasons why they were designed and given a chance to life or existence, and the imported purpose is a false reason for living(purpose) adopted by any human due to lake of knowledge of who he/she was truly made to be or due to ignorance, a consequence of just living because I exist, anything goes. The problem with a/this life void of true self-knowledge is that it affects everything else, not just everything about you, but everything else in the world indirectly, you pass by a problem in the world that will take what was put into you to solve, but don't know that(men and women need to sake God to truly find out what they have been called to do, God being the designer of every single man's life, than just picking up a specific earthly problem and calling it theirs to solve or claiming that they are involved in solving it with others similar to their pursuit, because this can lead to frustration as that may not truly be what they have been called to do). You are not made for self-gratification, but made for others, to help others, and so also, you are helped by God through others.
There is a spiritual enemy whom we have heard of time and time again, whether you are a Christian or not. One who specializes in taking pleasure in turning good things created by God into the negative, especially in the lives of humans because we carry more in us than other creations. We can carry the Spirit of God in us, and God has invested much in us, even sacrificing for us. Also, we have self-will which he, the devil, can use to divert a person from what he/she is meant to become, and hence steal(temporarily), kill and/or destroy(if they die before getting to christ) or prolong that original purpose for as long as he can by lying to individuals, having them live the falsified purpose in life. The reason it is important to come to Christ is, when someone comes to Christ, among many other benefits, they also find their purpose. You see, any other creation, whether manmade or naturally made by God doesn't have this self-will that humans have as it relates to slavation. This self-will allows humans to either choose to live their original(by God) or their own created falsified purpose in life(imported purpose). The thing is people make this mistake in two ways, one, they don't have the knowledge that their lives are more than what they believe it to be, or they came to know what they were supposed to be through an encounter with God or God's people, small or great, but still choose to live their life their way. The problem is, though the freedom to live life how you want it is available, one can never reach fulfillment outside of who they truly are. These individuals in turn directly leave an unexplainable void in others around them because they can't give what they are meant to give and themselves too in the process of living a life in themselves that they don't understand leave unexplainable voids/emptiness in themselves. It is actually sought of dangerous to get a life and live it without knowing what you are getting into(no spiritual insight, because physically you believe you've got this, you control your life well, but the truth is, you don't even know who you truly are or what you are meant to be doing), or without knowing what you are meant to do with it. The excuse for most unconscious and conscious reckless living is not that the designer of human life was not available to put all through the purpose they've been called indivdually, but that many have ignored His voice without fully trying to find out why He is calling because they fear He will try to change their chosen ways of life, the way of life that to them is best but at the end is destructive because they don't operate from a knowledgable standpoint of what this life truly is.
* Words representing God capitalized.
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