If You Understand The Principles, You Will Dance In The Rain.

If and whenever God speaks, life has no choice but to dance to whatever He has/had said. For example, His promises to His children, His words of condemnation for the wicked, anything He had said concerning creation, all of these things He had said don't go back to him void, and nothing He will say now or tomorrow can go back to Him void (Isaiah 55:11).

His words create, His words bring to life, anything that exists now is and are as a result of what He had said. If He said it, then it becomes, it establishes, there is no other choice.
Every promise will definitely come to pass irrespective of what you see now. Nevertheless, it is good to check with yourself to see if you are the reason for the delay in seeing the promise come. Are you disobeying God in any way? Are you ignoring what He wants you to do or start doing?

We have to understand that whatever God wants for us is much higher than anything we will ever want for ourselves. God usually gives us things higher than what we want, or exactly what we ask if it doesn't go contrary to the will or plan of God for you or for His children. He won't give you something that you will end up being unhappy with. So, let's not deprive ourselves of the promises and rights we have in God or His goodness due to our disobedience.

If you understand the principles, you will dance in the rain. If you know that all things work together for your good in Christ Jesus, including the ones that your enemies are planning or have caused to happen, including your past mistakes, or the things or situations you just can't understand, then you will dance in spite of the rain!
If you understand that no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper, let the spiritual or physical enemies do their best, see, it is the heritage of those in and under Christ that no weapon fashioned, formed, irrespective of where or from whom it is coming from, it will not prosper. This applies to all promises of God in your life/our lives, if you know that it will surely come to pass, then you will dance in the rain!

When you plan your life, you need to understand, that, in spite of your plan, that you are in an ultimate plan that God had designed when He designed you initially. So, unless you walk closely to understand the plans of God for you, hold loosely your plans, and don't be frustrated when your plans don't work out well or at all. Knowing that you are already in a plan ordained and ordered by God as you are His child, Him taking care of you, you won't bother or worry much about making any plans, or you should consult with him before trying to make serious plans. This is because if you are His own, and your plans don't align with His, most likely your plans won't work as planned. Once again, God never gives you or design something that is not higher than our plans. He never gives you something that you will be unhappy with for the rest of your life.

So, free yourself from the stress of the possibility of making a major error by making plans or choices that can alter your life and make you headed the wrong direction. Again, if you understand the principles, you will dance in the rain, and live stress-free.

