
Showing posts from October, 2020

Original Purpose vs Imported Purpose(false purpose)

      Let's take a look around us, really, take a minute and look around you briefly, see the man-made things around, also, see the naturally created things. I can say, aside from what am aiming at letting you understand today, you, through a sense that is common to all, should know that if these man-made items are lying around then the natural existing things should have a maker, a simple clear way to put that. But on to what I have to let us see today is this, those man-made things lying around weren't just made for nothing sake, the makers and inventors of those things solved a problem with them, so also is the natural things, all the things that were made by God. As a growing entrepreneur, I constantly look for problems so I can think of how to solve those problems through an invention, that's how creations are made, it starts with a need to solve a problem. So no one is just here or a problem themselves, but individually we are solutions(or carry solutions) to differ...

Stand up! You are not the slothful!

   In the world we live in today, especially in our time, it is rather hard to call someone a slothful individual, this is especially because almost nearly every single person fights hard for what they want or what they want to become, but yet nearly almost everyone still is found to be slothful in one area of life.    Consider your life and that of others, how we work so hard to provide for our families, to excel in our academics, to lose weight, to buy that car, to live the dream life, for some, to become famous. Consider all these areas we consciously work hard all our lives, but yet in one area, a crucial area, the majority are found to be slothful, this is because they can actually do more than what they have done or achieved in that specific area because the resources are not the problem, but they have unconsciously and consciously settled for less in that area. What is this area? This is the area of life that has to do with the purpose of individuals. Now it i...