Original Purpose vs Imported Purpose(false purpose)
Let's take a look around us, really, take a minute and look around you briefly, see the man-made things around, also, see the naturally created things. I can say, aside from what am aiming at letting you understand today, you, through a sense that is common to all, should know that if these man-made items are lying around then the natural existing things should have a maker, a simple clear way to put that. But on to what I have to let us see today is this, those man-made things lying around weren't just made for nothing sake, the makers and inventors of those things solved a problem with them, so also is the natural things, all the things that were made by God. As a growing entrepreneur, I constantly look for problems so I can think of how to solve those problems through an invention, that's how creations are made, it starts with a need to solve a problem. So no one is just here or a problem themselves, but individually we are solutions(or carry solutions) to differ...