The Light and Dark Extremes

It is helpful to know that everything is mostly in two extremes. And, in between this two extremes, there could exist a passiveness of some kind, nevertheless, everything is mostly in two extremes depending on what you are dealing with. Examples? Common examples include, 'the good and the bad', the serious and unserious, the married, and unmarried, cooked and uncooked, etc. These are common extremes. Notice that when one says, the food is partially cooked, I am almost officially a wife or a mother, I am working towards being more serious, these statements suggest that they are still progressing towards the other extreme. Here, today, what is relevant to our understanding is the light and the dark extremes. 

It is overly important to understand the work, purpose, and existence of these extremes. These two extremes control you, and everyone around you whether you are the most independent individual, or the freest person existing or not. This is because they do not work for, or depend on, or ask permission from the world rulers, presidents, nations, or citizens of nations to control anyone. From the simple light bulb, the need for a torch, the inconvenience of the dark. From the simple and innocent literal meaning of dark and light to what they really represent in deep reality, you will understand that these two extremes have a lot to do with how your life is shaped right now whether or not you even know.  Nevertheless, there is a drastic difference between these two extremes and how they directly get involved with you. Also, these two extremes do not exist in a human form, they live but are not humans.

Dark Extreme
As you have noticed, these extremes I am referring to are living and very much alive. A lot, by now may have an idea of what this really is. Nevertheless, follow through. Irrespective of the fact that these extremes have control over what happens in this world right here, with one having all control, even over the other extreme, the way they directly take control over your life as an individual is totally different. One of this extremes do not care if or not you want to have anything to do with them, they just INVADE. Literally, they invade your life, they invade anyone, everyone, to be precise, they have invaded the lives of everyone that has existed, and those that are yet to be born. Apart from their mode of entry into lives, they do not mean good. This is why they invade and do not ask whether you want to join in their circles. Another reason is that they are totally below the other extreme, and they own nothing completely or totally. Hence, they do not give you the big picture, neither do they introduce themselves, they just invade. Trust the truth, nothing is hidden under the sun, no knowledge, no action, no truth or lie. No knowledge is a waste, instead of disposing of the knowledge you gained through a means, test it instead, and decide then whether or not to dispose of it.

This truth is sure, when humans engage in anything dark, anything that suggests the dark, or that involves the dark, most times they force people in, or they slowly lure them in. The humans themselves that act as leaders in these circles were forced or lured in blindly.
The total mandate of this extreme can be summed up in three function points.
They do not own anything, they are under the other extreme, the light  1. Hence, they lie most times just to get their way, because if they tell you how a thing is, you will back out instantly. Hence, they deceive, they do not mind doing this just as long as they get you in. They do not explain what the Light extreme is about, and how they relate to you, and what privileges you have in that ruling extreme  2. Hence they steal from you the knowledge you need to survive, 3. and that ultimately leads to your destruction. It leads to the destruction of anyone involved because these individuals will become cut off and short of true knowledge and understanding of what they need to survive in relation to the purpose of their lives, and even how to get to those needed supplies that are available abundantly.

Basically, when you are in a dark room, or in a street without light, you can not see anything, you are cut off from the knowledge of how and where to take to get to where you need to get. Life itself, life silently, but relentlessly tries its best to teach you that being in the dark, whether in your room, or involved in an unhealthy circle of groups is not good for your existence, that you are, and will be dependant on the light to find your way through life.

Light Extreme
This extreme is very interesting, in that, it has all the authority and power over all, over the dark extreme, but never forces or invades into lives just to gain access to manage their lives for them. They allow for free choice, but they own it all nevertheless. Think of anything that is, and even the things to come, they own all. They do not have to deceive, lie, steal, or bring harm to anyone. That is why they just peacefully ask whether or not you want help from them whenever you decide to hear them. 

1Why do they care whether or not you let them manage your life? 
You see, everything in life did not grow out of the soil, rocks did not grow out of the soil, fire, water, wind, the sun, animals, summer, winter, all these did not grow out of the soil. The trees grew out of the soil, but where did the soil grow out of? Where did the earth form out of? Where did the first man form out of? You see, the Light extreme made everything. Robots can not say, "because I do not know how I was made, hence, I have no creator". Robots are limited in knowledge concerning who their makers are, and what their makers are made of, and the knowledge their makers have, the same with you and your maker, the same with humans.
So they care whether or not you allow them to help you, because they made you, they know what you need to survive. 

You have limited insight or knowledge compared to this creator and the entire body of the Light extreme. They see what you don't see, know all the knowledge that you may never gain access to in your entire life. They created every existing thing and made the environment to put them in. 2. Those under the Light extreme, nothing happens to them by chance. Being under the supervision of the ruling authority over every world affairs, you are safe. They know how you shape your thoughts, and how it will affect your life, they know who's against you, and those that are for you. Believe it or not, they know what the future holds, and they direct the future because they own it, hence you will be safe under them. They know they made humans to be short-sighted in terms of knowing accurately what will happen in the future. Hence, allowing God ( the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit ) to order your life will be the best decision you have ever made while here on earth.

3. There is always the " will " of the Father ( God ) for every existing person on earth. This is the purpose of Him creating you combined with His promises to sustain you, and the details of how He plans to do that. The Father has given the amount of knowledge He wishes to make known to humans and is still revealing more. This can be found in His book. Therein, you will gain more knowledge of Him and His work. His general plan for every person under His care, and more. ( God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the creatures of Heaven make the Light Extreme. )

The spirits that now constitute the Dark extreme ( The devil and demons ) were a product of the Light extreme, they were made for good but rebelled. From then henceforth, they have constantly kept trying to destroy the work of the Father by lying to humans and influencing them away from the right part. They are dark, hence they blindfold humans.  They keep humans away from their privileges and ultimately destroy them at the end. Note that, no one under the rule of the Dark extreme( in any form and capacity) were told the real truth, and they are not in any way safe.

- Written by Marrian Lemeh.
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